Profound Rest

7 Day Retreat

Monday 18th September – Sunday 24th September 2023

Arrival 4pm Monday, checkout 2pm Sunday.

Profound Rest is a six-night immersion, with three full days in silence, set within the exquisite sanctuary of Broughton in Yorkshire providing an opportunity to deep dive into the inner realms. The retreat will centre around Eastern philosophy, non-dual tantra, yoga and earth connection, led by Paris Ackrill (co-founder of Avalon Wellbeing Centre) and Cornelius O'Shaughnessy (founder of Bodhimaya). The journey will centre around resting in our innate stillness, which will inevitably churn up parts of our “self” to burn in the fire of the heart, with three full days of silence. You will be nourished by supportive practices to align the mind-body-spirit and to ignite the heart, the seat of wisdom.

"The Sun must also rise in you for the light to disperse the darkness."

Sri Anandamayi Ma

"You will be nourished by supportive practices to align the mind-body-spirit and to ignite the heart, the seat of wisdom."

About Broughton Sanctuary

The Broughton Sanctuary is a field of transformation. A field beyond religion, politics, gender and culture where we can come together, open our hearts and trust in the inner force for good that wants to emerge in all of us. The 3000-acre Sanctuary has been in the Tempest family for over 900 years and during this time the Estate has gone through its own transformational process. It has come from a typical agricultural community to a community that is dedicated to recovering and supporting both the inner and outer nature.

Path to Enlightenment

Religions, philosophies, and paths are an attempt to understand, realise and connect with the true nature of reality. At their culmination, every path to enlightenment brings us to the perception of reality as it is, beyond our ideas about it. This happens because the mind is bought into a state of profound silence. In this silence our mind bursts through the limitations of our thinking, beliefs, and ego into a deep, mystical, and incommunicable union with life. During this retreat we will bring the mind to rest and silence through meditation, enquiry, uprooting resistance and grasping, letting go of desire, allowing suffering to crumble by bathing in wisdom and by turning the mind inwards towards the simple experience of awareness and this present moment.

Retreat Process

The first few days of the retreat will prepare you to move into three days of deep silence. You will of course be able to ask questions and speak about any necessary practicalities. You will be encouraged to switch off technology and truly immerse yourself in the experience.

The retreat journey will include meditations and Q&A with Cornelius, yin yoga, somatic flow, alchemy crystal bowl sound baths with Paris, time to unwind in Avalon’s state-of-the-art facilities and Pool Suite, forest bathing with Liz Dawes, earth connection, kirtan with Nitya Mukta, wild swimming and woodland sauna experience, delicious plant-based food, opportunities for individual therapies and more.

Profound Rest Retreat Avalon Wellbeing, Yorkshire, UK

Example Day

*Please note the schedule is not set and may change.


Tea, fruit and smoothies available

8am – 9:30am

Gentle Somatic Flow / Yin Yoga

9:30 – 10:30am


10:30am – 12:30pm


1:30pm – 2:30pm

Light lunch

2:30pm – 5pm

Unwind Time / Pool Suite / Individual Therapies

5pm – 7pm

Meditation + Supportive Practice
(e.g. Sound Bath, Yoga Nidra)

7pm – 8pm


About the Facilitators

Paris Ackrill Profound Rest Retreat Avalon Wellbeing, Yorkshire, UK
Paris Ackrill

Paris is committed to a path of self-realisation and inner evolution which is based on welcoming both the divine and human aspects of ourselves. In this way can begin to truly know and befriend ourselves, to intimately know our humanness alongside awakening to our extraordinary divine nature. Paris wholeheartedly believes that the more we can embody peace, the more we can share it out in the world. Holding space to explore new fields of reality and connect to the fire of our sacred presence through meditation, movement and sound… to assist in heart-mind coherence and connection with our innate wisdom.

Cornelius Profound Rest Retreat Avalon Wellbeing, Yorkshire, UK
Cornelius O’Shaughnessy

Cornelius has studied the mind, meditation and Eastern philosophy for over 26 years and has deep insight into some of the more complex and misunderstood aspects of Eastern philosophy and meditation. What he teaches is regarded as the most direct path to enlightenment. It is an ancient, intense and immersive method of self-realisation that uses wisdom and insight to change the way people see themselves, others and the world around them. The knowledge and experience he has gained over the years has given him a deep insight into the human condition and a unique ability to help others find peace of mind.

Learn more:

Pricing, Accommodation and Booking

For more information on pricing, accommodation and how to book, please click the link below.

For any queries regarding booking please contact Joanne Barrett on 01756 799608 or