Autumn Wellbeing Rituals Moving into Autumn is an importan…

Autumn Wellbeing Rituals ✨

Moving into Autumn is an important time to slow down and ground into our wellbeing practices and rituals. It is a time to stay in balance and boost our immune systems as the nights draw in and the days become cooler. Here are some of our favourite practices for this season…✨

1. Abhyanga – ayurvedic self massage with warm oil (we like to use organic seasame oil with a few drops of lavender oil) which helps to pacify vata during the vata season ✨

2. Slower movement practices – choosing more yin based movement meditation practices which honour grounding and slowing down ✨

3. Eating warming foods such as soups and stews and choosing warming herbal teas instead of drinking cool drinks ✨

4. Lighting a candle at a sacred space or altar in the home to connect to the inner light as we move into shorter days ✨

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