Our Sanctuary
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there”
Our Sanctuary
Broughton Hall Sanctuary is a field of transformation. A field beyond religion, politics, gender and culture where we can come together, open our hearts and trust in the inner force for good that wants to emerge in all of us.
A Field of Transformation
Our 3000 acre Sanctuary has been in the Tempest family for over 900 years and during this time we have seen the Estate go through its own transformational process. We have come from a typical agricultural community to a community that is dedicated to recovering and supporting nature.
The Natural Pattern
We understand that human flourishing is dependant on ecological flourishing. To regain our full humnaity we have to regain our connectedness with the entire web of life.
Rewilding Our Nature
We are proud to be rewilding our 3000 acres by resetting and supporting natural processes so that the land can support the diverse life that should be flourishing here, including us.
Rewilding Our Spirit
When we connect to nature we invite stillness, oneness and intuition into our lives. We begin to hear our truth and can listen to our callings. When we follow the rhythms of the Earth, of Mother Nature, of the moon and of the sun we find our natural way of being.
Heal Our Land, Heal Ourselves
Our Sanctuary invites you into a new relationship with the Earth; one where we can discover companionship with nature and we can imagine a different union, in which people and land are good medicine for each other.
Connect to Nature
The Sanctuary is all yours to explore. We invite you to become a part of our nature and not just a visitor. Enjoy forest bathing in our woodlands, moon bathing on our heather moorland, wild swimming in our natural waters, foraging for wild medicines and ceremonies within our magnificent Fire Temple.

An Oasis of Compassion, Joy and Celebration
We aspire to be an incubator of creativity and passion to serve the world. A sanctuary where everyone who comes can connect with their deepest self and learn to exist within the compassionate awareness of oneness.