Our beautiful friend and Avalonian @beckyhicks23 is doing a Sunflow Dance and Yoga session on Zoom at 6pm UK time, Good Friday 10th April ✨ “Lets move together and shift our focus away from fear, move any “stuck-ness” in the body and encourage presence. Lets keep dancing, and choose to raise our vibration, in whatever way that is for you, for the people that need an extra burst of light, for those that cannot right now, for those in need, for yourself. Connect to the expansiveness you have within”✨ You will be in the comfort of your own space (and can even turn your video off), so you can really let go of that fear-of-judgement thing and move like you don’t usually move! ✨
It is either free or donation based so please DM @beckyhicks23 for PayPal details and for the Zoom link ✨
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