Avalon has created a Circle of Support to seek solutions to …

Avalon has created a Circle of Support to seek solutions to any issues people may be facing through COVID19 ✨

Anyone who needs support for whatever reason as we face this challenging time please get in touch with us. Through our community we will do our best to help. Send a DM or email avalon@broughtonhall.co.uk ✨

Avalon is also seeking alternative ways in which we can support you during this time. Bringing you videos and online connections from Avalon friends and Ambassadors across the globe. Alongside this we will be announcing some game changing initiatives in the coming weeks. Stay tuned or sign up to our newsletter to hear more! ✨

#sanctuary #circleofsupport #herenow #responsibility #consciousbusiness #historichouse #bestunitedkingdom #ukbreak #visityorkshire #postcardplaces #retreatyourself #weekendaway #wellbeing #whataplace #visitengland #escapetothecountry #escapefromthecity #homeawayfromhome #exclusiveuse #disconnecttoreconnect #ukholidays #lovetheoutdoors #backtonature #letsgosomewhere #ukadventure #transformation #naturetherapy #healing #community #preventativemedicine

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